Cruise 2017 Adventure

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August 12th, 2019
Tracey has fallen in love..........a future project perhaps?
August 12th, 2019
My morning paddle took me right up to the head of Perry Cove where I ended up in a little ravine which had some lovely ferns growing on the rock face.
August 12th, 2019
We are now in Perry Cove which as you can see from the picture is very protected and rather lovely. We have had a relaxing day ticking off lots of little jobs and generally pottering about. We like it here.
August 12th, 2019
The date night was kicked off with sundowners and an amazing display of seamanship as a couple of Wind Jammers made their way into the packed harbour and anchored up beside us, all under full sail. Quite thrilling.
August 12th, 2019
Camdens night of the long knives needed to be offset and so I decided a date night was in order. A local Lobsterman sold me live and my first foray into BBQ Lobster proved to be a winner.
August 12th, 2019
Our last night in Camden was one of our worst this trip so far in that the wind backed further than forecast and we endured a sleepless night as we rolled about in random but nasty harbour slop. That morning we decided to head for the safe anchorage of Pulpit Harbour once the fog had lifted enough for comfort. On leaving for the seven mile trip the gods unleashed torrential rain, fog and winds of up to thirty knots which made it interesting. Pearl, as ever, pushed it all aside with a robust and stable shoulder and delivered us into a perfect tranquil anchorage. It was quite extraordinary for gods had lost interest in their game, turned off the wind, turned on the sun and went on to toy with others.

The entrance is dominated by Pulpit rock which has a famous and sprawling Osprey nest. Osprey return annually adding more sticks to the pile for the next generation. A nest just up the coast was carbon dated to find that the original sticks were laid down 125 years ago!
August 12th, 2019
Our first experience of Maine Fog out of which materialized this beauty.
August 12th, 2019
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