Cruise 2017 Adventure

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September 10th, 2019
We love social history so one of our favorites was the last standing house that harks back to the Mayflower. It was built 47 years after they landed and was habited by pilgrims who sailed over in the Mayflower. It was full of interest including the little known fact that Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were distant cousins through a blood line that goes back to John and Elizabeth Howland, pilgrims from the Mayflower.

We also learnt that Night Night Sleep Tight comes from the days when you used a key to tighten up the bed ropes.
September 10th, 2019
We have been tourists and have had a great day with some wonderfully interesting museums. The Mayflower is a big deal round here and they have even preserved the stone that they first stepped ashore on.
September 10th, 2019
We have arrived in Plymouth and have spent the afternoon sorting out admin including the laundry. Laundry when sailing involves lobbing your washing into a machine and then popping into the bar for a beer while the machine does its business. Being in Plymouth there was only one beer I could order and very nice it was too.
September 10th, 2019
I nearly fell over with laughter when this boat shot past. I would have loved to have been at the design brief. I can only afford a dinghy but I want a full bridge..........
September 9th, 2019
Dorian has swept past and she was very kind to us with gusts of only 25knts and some rain. This gave us a day to work on Pearl with a full engine service and some other jobs that were stacking up. The next day we left at dawn in, as you can see from the picture, the calm after Dorian. A very long day motoring from dawn to dusk saw us drop the anchor in Gloucester. We have time for one tourist visit and although Gloucester looks nice we just can't resist a trip to Plymouth which is where the Mayflower Pilgrims first settled. As such the anchor was up at dawn once more and we are now motoring to Plymouth where we will sort out shopping, laundry, gas and refuse this afternoon so that we have all day tomorrow to be tourists. It looks like it will be an interesting place historically but also for it being a thriving fishing port. In addition, they produce a lot of cranberries here which is something that I have always wanted to see grown.
September 6th, 2019
I sent the drone up this morning to show you how amazing The Basin is in terms of shelter. The entrance to the left even has a convenient dog leg in it. The basin is sheltered all about and the holding is excellent.
September 6th, 2019
We have had a few emails asking where we are and if we are OK with regard to Hurricane Dorian. One email said they couldn't quite work out where we are on the blog. Looking at the picture you can see where Dorian will be tomorrow at her closest around midday tomorrow - we are at the end of the pen. At the moment, we are expecting up to 35knts of wind and lots of rain. If things worsen the good news is that yesterday we arrived in the Hurricane hole I referred to with a picture of the chart a few days ago. Its an amazing place and gives us great confidence.
September 6th, 2019
I give you CARRIE our clover named after Stu's Mum who recently passed away. Bed ridden, we bought this Clover in a Can as a gift to grow by her bed. She loved to follow our trip via numerous post cards and we sadly didn't get to give her the clover so she is now sailing the high seas with us in spirit.

As you can see BRIANNA is still going but needs feeding so we are keeping our eye out for a garden center which are none too common when sailing.
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