Cruise 2017 Adventure

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October 20th, 2019
We have a Sunday off. Feels a rare thing and we have made the most of it with a Sunday brunch of bacon, pancakes, coffee and maple syrup all the way from Maine. So good to have a day to ourselves chilling out - the rain has added to the Sunday feel as we listen to BBC Two on player.
October 19th, 2019
Crisp Morning
Its done it again, I left Annapolis in my shorts returning a week later to find that I cant feel my finger tips after putting up the dodger. Its remarkable how the weather changes here.

Stunning autumnal morning and I am looking forward to going for a paddle board to celebrate the end of a mad mad four weeks without break. Its been an absolute blast.

Looking at my diary we have, apart from a day of filming next week, four commitment free months. We are so looking forward to being able to drift from experience to experience without the clock ticking.

Quite the change after a year of deadlines........Wooo
October 16th, 2019
This is where I was speaking in Ireland - stunning place. The lady of the house had nineteen children, six of whom were to the French teacher!
October 16th, 2019
Pearl looks just amazing as she shines like sterling silver and will do so until the aluminum oxidizes
October 16th, 2019
I just cant speak highly enough of JJ and his hard working lads at Osprey Marine
October 16th, 2019
October 16th, 2019
This cracked us up - Plastic trees, its all about the environment.
October 16th, 2019
We returned to a sure-fire sign that we needed to start preparing for our run to the sun - an autumnal leaf in the dinghy.
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